Thursday 18 June 2020

Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon)

Today I want to talk about impostor syndrome!!!!
Wiki's description.......
Impostor syndrome (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which one doubts one's accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud". 
STAY WITH ME HERE..... I have coached 100's of people on this subject when I worked as an International Head Hunter for 15 years... You see people who I placed in their first careers started at the bottom on say £250 per day and I worked with them over the years when their experience grew where I negotiated their day rates to over £800 and many £1200 per day they would feel like an impostor and doubt themselves and almost feel like a fraud, this was because they needed reminding all the late hours and early morning starts on training, the weekends they missed with friends and families due to more training, studying and hitting deadlines, the lessons learnt on projects and setbacks and the £1000's they spent on training to be an expert in their field.. its only then when you look back and walk through your journey you truly understand that you are on £1000 per day not by luck but by focus, taking action, investing in yourself (time and money) 
I had to reminded myself on this subject due to my shift from just being a Head Hunter to becoming a Social Media Professional 
Now that I have my coaching course to Dominate Social Media it has allowed me to walk back through my journey to remind myself that its not luck that got me here.............
If this post has help just one person, then my job is DONE!
CLICK HERE ====> SOCIAL MEDIA COURSE if you want to learn how to grow your business or personal brand 

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