Thursday 12 March 2020

Succeeding As A Newbie In Internet Marketing

As a newbie you need to learn the fundamentals of internet marketing. Everyone is a newbie in the internet marketing scenario because technology changes so rapidly. Internet marketers, who have been making thousands of dollars every day, can go broke overnight. The methods and the platforms these internet marketers use can go obsolete anytime and get completely replaced with new technology. Those that have relied on particular platforms in support of their business (i.e. Google Ad Words, Facebook ads, etc.) can find themselves completely shut out of their platform overnight, all because the company changed their policies. But the only thing that always remains constant is the fundamentals of internet marketing. Once you know how things work and how to make your knowledge work for you, then you can make a lot of money online.
As I have said before, Internet marketing is not a "get rich quick" scheme - Internet marketing is not a place where you should think you will be rich overnight. Despite the claims you see online, 99.99% of the people signing up for Internet marketing will never be rich. I know that may be a "downer" for some of you reading this. But I want to be completely honest with you.
Yes, some people will be come wealthy. Yes, there is the possibility you will also, if you stick with the business and continually improve in your skills. If you are going to sign up for a "make money overnight" type of gimmick, you will find out that it is not going to happen as claimed and in most cases, you will lose your investment.
It's just like offline marketing. Instead of a warehouse you have a website; instead of advertising on billboards you advertise using online banners; Instead of meeting customers face to face, you will probably never see or interact with your customers except online. You will be selling your business products online. Your end product may be a digital e-book, but the fundamentals of marketing and sales remain the same, whether it's selling online or offline. The number one issue in online or offline business success is "find a need - and fill it!" If you do that, you will probably succeed.
Have you ever enrolled in one of the offline Multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses?
For most people, probably "Not." Why not? It's because you know that these Multi-level marketing (MLM) plans can sometimes be illegal. The sharks behind these schemes take advantage of people who want to get rich quick. These guys always get away with the money while the poor souls who have invested their time and money into these schemes will suffer due to their ignorance. In the online world, there are these "so-called" sharks whose only motive is to scam ignorant people out of their money as well.
Educate yourself - You need to start educating yourself how the online world works. Learn how Google works. Learn how the webmasters are making their money. You can always search and learn for free online. There are tons of videos and articles online that can teach you how to create a website and maintain it. You can read articles that teach you about online marketing and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The more you learn then the smarter you will become in evading online fraudsters who promote e-books and e-courses that claim to help you make millions online.
Find the "Real" Gurus - If you continue to study, you will find many people who write quality materials. There are many real internet marketing "gurus" online. I really despise that word "gurus," so I'm just going to call them "coaches." Because the ones you should really be following do just that - couch. They coach you and help you rather than just focus on selling to you and expecting you to do all the work.
When you find someone who matches this criteria, bookmark their websites, go through their content and spend time learning about the business models that these coaches talk about. These coaches have spent a lot of time testing and implementing various business models online. The articles and the videos they produce are pure gold. You can learn a lot from their mistakes. Most are willing to share their mistakes with you in an attempt to help you avoid making the same mistakes.
However most of these coaches also sell e-books and guides for varying prices. I recommend avoiding the purchase of these guides because often the information contained may be outdated or too hard to implement (I know I'm upsetting some of them right now just by saying this)! I am not generalizing every internet marketing coach, but you need to make money first and then invest the money on e-books and related services. That is probably the number one thing I repeat to my clients over and over - "only purchase other products once you have made some money from using what you have." Otherwise you just end up in the "Shiny Object Syndrome" again (which I have covered before).
Test, Fail and finally succeed - Every internet marketer who has made money online was never scared to implement their ideas. Avoid procrastination and start producing content and market a product. You will fail several times. But in the end, if you do not give up and you continue trying, you will succeed. The mistakes you make along the way will help you save thousands of dollars in the future. Once you get a handle on things, you will no longer feel scared to implement your ideas. You will also learn more about what business models work and what does not work in your particular online niche.
Learning how to make your knowledge work for you is the key to success in internet marketing. You need to use your knowledge to create and distribute ideas that can help others. Internet marketers who are good at promoting various products online are creative and use their creativity to market the products they are selling.
As a newbie, believe in yourself, "Whatever Your Mind Can Conceive And Believe, It Can Achieve - Napoleon Hill"
Are you interested in beginning a career in internet marketing? I have a "beginners course" on my website that goes into this area with you. My "Four Weeks to Your First Online Income" is something that will give you the information you need to start successful and be successful. And it comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! So if, at the end of the course, you still have not made your first sale, just ask for your money back! That is how much I believe in this program. Go to my website at and click on the "Four Weeks to Your First Online Income" tab at the top for more information!

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