Saturday 14 March 2020

Failure Is A Road to Success

There is an apprehension that takes place within many of us about starting a new venture. The fear is of failing. The trick to overcoming this phobia is to just do whatever it is that you are contemplating. John Maxwell states "Procrastination is too high a price to pay for fear of failure. To conquer fear, you have to feel the fear and take action anyway. Forget motivation. Just do it. Act your way into feeling, not wait for positive emotions to carry you forward."
Consider the Wright brothers who failed many times before executing their first successful flight in December 1903. The privilege of man being able to fly is not just a result of the preliminary failures of those two brothers but also those that have failed at flight before them. Using the lessons that were learned from the mistakes of their predecessors coupled with the lessons that they learned from when they missed the mark all contributed to the development of the Wright flyer. Because they consented to fail forward they were the first to successfully fly and are known as the fathers of aviation.
The Wright brothers are not the only ones that failed many times before success. Steve Jobs failed forward repeatedly. His hardware project NeXT was a complete failure that he turned into a software success. Also, his Newton Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), that was a failure, is believed to be what we now know as the iPhone.
The same concept of continuing in spite of setbacks is found in online marketing and network marketing gurus. The very successful Ray Higdon of Pro Blog Academy failed at eleven opportunities before becoming the number one sales person in his current company. He contributes his success to being able to harvest leads from his blog. He admits, however, that the first blogs that he wrote were absolutely horrible. Now blogging has helped him to be the top earner in his company. What is his secret? One of his secrets is he did not allow any fears to keep him from starting his first blog. Another one of his secrets is he did not quit when things were not successful. He continued on to improve upon his blogging and now he is known as a blogging guru.
We can learn from the examples of the giants of industry and internet gurus that continuously failed forward until they succeeded. The examples that they set are 1. They never quit and 2. They improved upon previous mistakes. Remember that failing does not make you a failure because failing is just an occurrence, it is not who you are. I will give one more quote from John Maxwell: "When achievers fail, they see it as a momentary event, not a lifelong epidemic."
Carol gives additional internet marketing success secrets at

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