Monday 23 March 2020

4 Tips to Landing Page Success

Landing pages, also known as "name squeeze pages" or "lead capture pages", are the first step in you marketing 'funnel'. Your squeeze page will consist of a good headline, a sub-headline, a number of hard hitting bullet points - and most important, the reason for the page - a form for collecting email addresses.
This email collection form is normally created with your autoresponder account that you will have with say Aweber or GetResponse (there are many others, these are very popular). I have a number of times heard that the more basic, uglier email collection pages have been known to induce more visitors to enter their email address than a stylish fancy landing pages. So try both!
Your autoresponder, like Aweber or GetResponse, is where the actual list of email addresses will reside allowing you to send regular mails out with your newsletter and more product offers. These offers can be either your own products or affiliate products developed by others. Affiliate product offers pay you a commission which can be as much as 50%, all the way to 100% of the price of the product (because the product developer knows that they can market more offers to the people who buy their product from your efforts).
You build your mailing list by funneling the visitors of your own website, or through solo ad buys, or advertising on Facebook, etc., through this lead capture page. Once you have your landing page in place your primary focus will be to start funneling as much traffic, from as many traffic sources as possible onto your landing page. You set this up just once and then work on driving the traffic.
Use these tips to create your own successful landing page and convert your visitors into subscribers! For even more emarketing strategies check out Emarketers Club at
Success Tip 1: Offer a free item in exchange for your visitor's email address. This can be a free report, a list of something (the top 10 or top 3, whatever, you get the idea). It could also be a free computer program or WordPress plugin that will help them with something. Some survey's show that people will respond to a free computer prog or plugin more than a free report. The difference is not huge but there is a leaning towards the free program.
Success Tip 2: Your landing page needs to be written in a clear professional manner. When you create your landing page write the copy as if you are writing a sales letter. Because it is a sales letter, albeit a very short one. A headline to get attention and make them stop and pay attention, followed by a sentence or two and a few bullet points all pointing out benefits of having what you are giving them. You're NOT making a hard sale or trying to get them to buy your product on your squeeze page. You're simply encouraging your visitors to give their email details. Nothing more.
Success Tip 3: Remember, you have one purpose for your lead capture page - getting their emails. So other than your opt-in form, there should be no other links on your landing page.
Success Tip 4: Within the copy on your landing page, the headline followed by sub-headline and bullet points you will focus on the benefits of the free item they will be receiving. If you can, also point out where they are experiencing some pain if they don't get your free item. Primary focus is encouraging them to download your free offer. And reaffirm that he or she have nothing to pay for the free item.
You will want to get very familiar with landing pages because they are your first tool to having your own list of prospects to sell to.
For more marketing strategies for emarketers and entrepreneurs check out Emarketers Club. For a limited time you can claim a free silver membership! Click here

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