Sunday 4 October 2020

How to get instant, likes, shares, comments and views when posting on social media platforms

This Blog is for the peeps who are new to their social media journey, I am going to throw in some little Easter Eggs to help you on your way.. WHY, because I am nice like that๐Ÿ˜œ

Before I start giving away some Easter Eggs for your social media posting on multiple platforms I would just like to say, please, please, please do not focus on likes, comments, shares etc. The reason I say this is too many people put their energy in or on self-gratification, rather then just having fun along the way, make sense? You see if your focus is on just likes then you may loose yourself and start to copy others in style and structure to be like them thinking that way you will get more likes, the truth is nobody knows who you are so it will take time to build the trust and interest of people to start to engage with you. Being yourself is the best way possible, then you will attract the right people for your product/service or personal brand.... 

Now over to the fun stuff....its so easy you may just laugh out loud!!!!

Posting on your YouTube Channel 

Once your video has gone public....

1. Watch the video from start to finish, sounds simple and it is, watch your video to gain that first view 

2. Hit the share button and share to LinkedIn, Facebook, Blogger, Twitter etc for more views

3. Put a comment on your post, a question comment to get people to engage...? 

4. PIN that comment so it never moves, this will ensure any new visitors do not miss your comment

Posting on Twitter

Once you have tweeted....

1. Like your Tweet 

2. Retweet 

3. If you have another twitter account i.e one personal, one business get that other account to like and retweet

Posting on Facebook/Instagram and Linked 

Once posted on LI or FB

1. like your post

2. Comment with a question to get engagement

3. Share your post to groups (does not apply to IG) you are a member of, obviously relevant groups. 

4. Tag People into your post (again relevant peeps)

Now you may asking yourself what is the point of liking and commenting on my own post? People will think I am silly for liking my own post...!

Just to answer in order...

It just gives a bit of fuel to the fire for the algorithm to acknowledge a like, comment and watch, also if people see some sort of engagement they will be more likely to hit the button too. 

Now to answer your second question.... "its none of your business what other people think of you" To put it blunt "FCUK UM" you are doing this for you and people that want to see your content and this will give the helping hand to ensure you reach your audience ๐Ÿ˜


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