Saturday 9 May 2020

How To Build Your Brand And Your Business Using Podcasting

I want to share with how you can use a podcast to increase the amount of traffic you are sending to your website and to your offers. You do not have to have a podcast to do this! It gives you a two-edged sword if you do. But some people are not called to have a podcast. I understand that.

You can be a GUEST on other people's podcasts! You can make these audiences aware of what you have to offer. Audiences you would never have access to outside of that podcaster's listeners. What a concept!

While many people are stuck in the "traditional" methods of marketing, we must take on the new and improved methods of doing things in order to be ahead of the competition. Those that are stuck doing the same old things will eventually come around to the new ways of doing them better, cheaper and faster. Think of Henry Ford when he broke the mold of having 10 men build one car each from start to finish. He could put on 10 cars per week, on average.

But when he implemented the "assembly line" method, he could put out 10-15 cars per day almost immediately. It revolutionized the auto industry even to this day.

That is what podcasting is doing to marketing today. People everywhere are able to talk about what interests them as often as they want. They no longer have to go to a radio station and pay huge amounts of money in an effort to reach a wide audience. Podcasters are able to do this a budget they can afford.

In fact, it may be possible to monetize your podcast! The large corporations are expected to drop over $1 BILLION dollars into advertising on PODCASTS in 2020! Not to get your hopes up too much, they will be dumping that money into about 1% of the podcasts that have millions of downloads per episode. But, you can use advertising in your podcasts. Although that is not my topic today, I just want you to be aware of it. You can Google it and read all about it.

I want to share with how you can use a podcast to increase the amount of traffic you are sending to your website, bringing potential customers to your business and to your offers.


What I'm about to share is directed at those who have (or are thinking of) starting a podcast. But the information will still be valuable to those who only want to be a guest on other people's podcasts. It is important for you to know the "how, what and why" of podcast marketing as well. This will only help you in the long run to understand these things.

Credibility. If you have a podcast that is niched down to a specific audience, whether it is "Turning kids clothing into quilts" or "How to get kids to do chores" or "How to sell ice to Eskimos" - SOMEBODY out there needs to hear about your ideas.

If you are going to start your own podcast, do not do long winded episodes. Especially if it is only you talking.

Statistics bear this out - the shorter each episode is, the more likely the listener will be to listen to all of the episode. And the more likely they will be to "binge listen" multiple episodes. That would be the fastest way for you to build a listener following.

How the length of the podcast can affect people listening all the way to completion:

7 minutes and under will almost always be listened to all the way through. Something like 85% of the time.

7-10 minutes, it starts to drop off. Only about 68% of the time will listeners say to the end.

15 minutes, it drops to about 50%.

25 minutes it drops to about 35%.

One hour or more it goes down to under 20% of those who start listening stay until the end.

Also, the frequency with which you publish your episodes will also effect your listenership.

If you publish only ONE episode each week or every other week, you can do a longer episode. One hour or more, consistently, and your listening stats will increase. People will expect it to last that long and, once you develop a following, they will listen.

If you publish every other day, a couple times per week, you could do a 30-minute episode.

But if you are doing a daily podcast, trying to build a loyal audience, keep it under 10 minutes.

It is better to do a five to ten-minute episode, teaching one point in each episode, than doing a one hour program teaching all 5 points. Your listeners are more apt to listen to completion, hearing your call to action on each episode (and possibly will binge listen to several episodes) than they would be on an hour long podcast episode.

By sharing each episode on social media (you forgot that I was talking about using social media, didn't you?), you generate credibility. Once you get to 30-40 episodes on a consistent basis, you will begin to be seen as an "expert" in the eyes of some people.

You can continue to reach out to influencers in your niche, as we have been learning. You also need to comment, like and share other podcasters posts and articles. Asking nothing in return. Just building value.

As people see "who you are," they will also see your podcast episodes. Some will reach out to YOU to connect, just because you are a podcaster! OR they will reach out to you because they see that you are a GUEST on other podcasts! I know this because I experience this almost on a daily basis.


Why would anyone want to listen to you? That is the question almost every podcaster, speaker and yes, online marketer has asked.

As I stated above, no matter what niche you are in, you have something to share that nobody else has. You have experiences unique only to you. You have to take those experiences and turn them into a positive that will set you apart from others.

Most people think they do not have anything worthwhile to say. But the truth is, "they believe" they do not have anything worthwhile to say. That is a BIG DIFFERENCE.

An expert is considered someone who, by virtue of their education, training, skill or experience, is believed by others to have expertise or knowledge beyond the skill of the average person.

So, let's take a look at those areas and I'll give you some idea of how YOU can be defined as an expert and drive more traffic and increase your business.

First, by virtue of EDUCATION. Doctors, lawyers, nurses, teachers, CPA's, etc. Because of the education they have received and degrees they have earned, automatically have credibility and are considered "experts" over and above the average person.

Next is by virtue of SKILLS developed. Car mechanics, scuba divers, golfers, musicians, athletes - they all have skills developed over the years that the average person does not have.

Follow that up with the virtue of TRAINING. For example, military, law enforcement, fire fighters, just to name a few. These people have been trained to be experts in their areas. This training is not normally provided to the general public. After doing the same job over and over, the people who are implementing and working based upon the training they have received will become experts (as compared to the general population). They have been doing something successfully for many years. They now have the EXPERIENCE to teach others what they have learned.

When I started in podcasting, I basically self-taught myself for the first two years or so. I made many mistakes. Along the way, not only did I learn "what to do," but more importantly, I learned "What not to do" (and that was more valuable)! Now, I share that knowledge with people starting on their podcasting journeys.

Use these ideas to identify what type of expert you are or would desire to be. Then begin to nurture your social media contacts in your niche. Offer value and ask for nothing. By doing this over time, you will be identified as an expert. This will help to drive traffic to your website, your podcast and your business as people will begin to research you.

They are impresses with what you have been sharing. They will want to know more about you and what you could possibly have that will help them. That is what building your brand is all about. And you can do that easily for virtually no money all through your social media accounts.

Start today! Your potential new audience and new clients are waiting!

Robert Thibodeau has been in online media since 2010. Between his online radio programs and his podcasts, he has accumulated more than 3,000 episodes in that time. He has conducted almost 500 interviews in that time as well. He has helped many podcasters with launching their own podcasts (many of which have earned numerous podcasting awards). He has a complete podcast training program, taking you from "Concept to Launch and Into Monetization." You can read more information on his training program at You can also download his "Podcast Creation Checklist" for FREE under the "Services" tab on his website.

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