Tuesday 14 April 2020

Why Silly Spelling Mistakes Can Increase Your Sales

One of my biggest influences, Tony Robbins, has a saying that's extremely relevant if you run an expert or client business:

"People tend to major in minor things."

What does this mean?

People have a weird, gnarly tendency to focus all their attention on stuff that does very little to grow their business.

Or improve their life in general.

Case in point:

A couple of months ago, a reader wrote me a "helpful" email pointing out a spelling mistake on page 5 on a 7-page sales page.

But was this actually helpful? Not really.

Here's why:

Yes, I did indeed make a spelling mistake on that sales page.

But, that sales page still sold regardless of the spelling mistake or not.

In fact, that spelling mistake could actually have resulted in more sales if I had bothered to test it. How? Because, when you're selling anything through the written word (i.e., a sales page or sales letter), a simple spelling mistake can inject a human element into your writing.

Copywriting is not so much about proper grammar.

It *IS* however all about persuasion... and... about making people *FEEL* a specific emotion at a particular moment in your sales message.

The brutal truth is that the right people (your buyers) don't care about one measly spelling mistake.

They care about your understanding of the problem they're struggling with.

And your product should, of course, help people solve that problem.

With that said, your sales message should still be clear and free of as many grammatical errors as possible.

But, you shouldn't stress about them.

Focus on what really matters:

Which is your clients and how your product or service can help them change their lives.

Today, where people have more options than ever before, it's not enough for you to talk about your product, features, and how awesome you believe it is.

Kristian's #1 rule of marketing:

Nobody cares about your product.

They care about how that product can help them change their life.

So focus on how you can communicate the value your product will bring to your clients.

As the old adage says:

"People don't buy a drill they buy a hole."


"People don't buy your product they buy the result your product will give them."

P.S. Normally, I would run an article like this through a spell check and check for grammatical errors.

But, today, I just sat down and kept writing until I reached the end.

And if you've read up until this point, you probably didn't care either about the few mistakes sprinkled throughout. True?

If you want to discover how to 2x your sales and get more clients for your business, my free online training session is a great place to start.

You'll learn how to use the old-school principle of "Infotainment" to write emails that people LOVE to read. Including: How to write stories so compelling they immediately draw customers in - even if you're not a professional writer... and much more.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10274590

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