Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Starting a new business? Read this blog post

Some advise to you if you are or have started a new business.... please add a comment so we can help others out there.

1. DROP... the thought of #competition, you are unique and there is an Abundance of business for you. Do not take the bait or fall for the trap as it will create fear, collaboration is key with people doing the same service as you.

2. Do not compare yourself to others, many may be ahead of where you think you should be, so focus on you.

3. You need to enjoy/love what you do.. I say this because the rational mind keeps us Safe, it will stop you from taking risks....! The rational mind helps you stay out of danger which means low, low risk decisions.. do you want an average and basic life or the life you deserve?

4. Work on your mind and mindset to become an unstoppable force, learn how to be still, live in the present, the NOW.

5. Accept responsibility, if things do not go to plan, own it. Its your fault, nobody else, its that simple, learn from setbacks and mistakes

6. Have fun along the way, trust in your gut/intuition and feels...

Just be awesome 👌🏿

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