Tuesday, 11 August 2020

The Data War and why Social Media has changed the world in infinite possibilities

We are in a Data War and we don't even know it! Behind the scenes there is a Global War Going on which is only known to the initiated! 

The large Corporations are battling for our attention and will dismantle its competitors to triumph!  

WHAT IS DATA? It could just be as simple as your name and email address to your age, D.O.B earnings, type of car you drive, places you visit...basically information about YOU!

Why is there a Data War you may ask? If you build your business correctly, make it fun (TikTok) for people to provide their I/D, secrets, name,  address,  likes, dislikes.... well You now have a Multi Billion pound business and CONTROL! 

How has it changed social media? Simple, I can run a paid Facebook Ad to target men of 40 to 50 who drive a Bentley and live in x county, city or state etc..I can go so niche down into the detail my ad can look like I am just talking to YOU and no one else! You can become a nobody one day and within months on your way to become a multi-millionaire! Social media and data/information has shorten the time gap to become  rich, wealthy, successful or famous. There are no longer gate keepers if you are into sales, all you need to do is find the person on LinkedIn, Twitter, FB etc view your potential customers likes and interests make some comments for synergy to start an engaging conversation, making sense? 

Every Website you sign into is begging for your information and attention, this is no accident, the large corporations have invested eye watering budgets to use ninja like technology to learn more about each and every customer/person.. YES YOU! to ensure as they say "better User Experience or User XP" 

This DATA WAR situation reminds me of the 2017 film "The Current War" you will understand what I am talking about if you have seen this film which is a must watch! If you haven't seen the film its based on true events based on the following 

  • Thomas Edison played by Benedict Cumberbatch 
  • J.P. Morgan played by Matthew Macfadyen
  • George Westinghouse played by Michael Shannon 
  • Nikola Tesla played by Nicolas Hoult 
Its a film based on electrification and trying to be the first man/company to use electricity to light up every Americans home and business, Edison, Westinghouse and Tesla had the same goal "get electricity to the masses" but all had a different opinion on how this should be done so there was a lot of self sabotage and loss of focus.

In my opinion this is what is going on at the moment, Facebook crippling Myspace......to the purchase of Instagram and WhatsApp etc... to Microsoft owning LinkedIn, Google Owning YouTube and Blogger and don't get me started on the mobile phone manufacturers, Apple, Samsung, Huawei... as soon as you purchase a smart phone your data yes everything about you is tracked and traced by the mobile phone manufacturer.. 

The multi billion pound acquisitions is not for the company nor the tech....but for the DATA they hold"

They are ALL guilty of spying on us by one way or another, making that running/walking (location) app look cool to doing some great "facial recognition" funny games on our phone! We are being tricked into giving up our most intimate and personal secrets and information by having fun on the apps....its a genius secret! 

I believe that by 2025 there is going to be a collapse of a large social media business and a rise of a new contender by why of surprise acquisition...... what  do you think? Please comment below....

WE ARE IN THE DIGITAL AND INFORMATION AGE.... like it or not we need to embrace it!

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