Thursday 9 April 2020

A Simple Way To Set Up And Run a Super Successful Blog

Wouldn't you just love to work from home running a really successful blog? Just imagine what it would be like to only work for an hour a day tapping at your keyboard writing blog posts that your followers are eager to devour so that you can earn money as a blogger.

So how do people make money blogging? And more importantly, how do they make a lot of money?

Well, all blogs are different because they're in different niches. But one thing they all have in common is that they contain blog posts that their readers not only love to read but are eager for them. And despite what you may think, writing blog posts isn't difficult.

In a nutshell, blog posts are nothing more than short (or sometimes long) articles. When a visitor comes to your website (or blog) and sees hundreds of articles, they instantly see you as an expert on your subject. And if you've written hundreds of articles on the same topic, then you probably are.

But first you have to write all the articles and upload them. Initially, it will take time. But eventually, it will become almost second nature to you and as we all know, the more you do something the easier it is and the better you get.

So you begin by writing plenty of short articles for your blog, and if you write one a day, that's 365 a year. And some bloggers write more than one a day.

Naturally, your articles need to be interesting and entertaining so that your readers don't get bored. And after reading an article, they're looking for what they should do next. So if you provide an appropriate link to a product, they may click through and make a purchase.

Let's look at this in a bit more detail to see how it works.

Say you set up a niche website (or blog) and you choose a product to promote. You research and choose several keywords for that product. You then set to work writing articles based on your chosen keywords.

You upload most of the articles to your site, at a rate of one a day, and use the rest for marketing.

You then choose another product and more keywords for it. Then you set to work writing articles based on your chosen keywords.

You upload most of the articles to your site at a rate of one a day, and use the rest for marketing.

You then choose another product and more keywords for it...

Do you see how this works?

Of course, there is a lot more to it, plus other ways to earn money from your blog if you want to be super-successful. But just starting this quick and simple way can produce fast results.

And once you start writing consistently, you'll soon have a site with hundreds of pages of content, a huge mailing list of subscribers, and you can use your articles as emails too.

Just make a start and you'll soon see how easy it can be.

If you can't afford to set up your own blog or you don't know how, you can set up a simple, free blog.

About the author: Ruth Barringham is a writer and online entrepreneur. She operates several websites and blogs as well as writing and publishing books. One of her books is a manual that teaches you how to quickly and easily set up your own profitable online business, and it's already helping thousands of others to do just that. 

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