Friday 17 April 2020

2 Traits Of Successful Internet Marketers

Do you want to know the secrets of successful internet marketers? Successful internet marketers are like professional athletes. They are the "crème de la crème" of the internet marketing world. Even though they may not seem famous and highly acclaimed as you think they should, they're still the best of what they do. If you ever hear of someone making $2,000 per month online, and you look at them as if they are amateurs - you're besides yourself.

Do you know how hard it is to make $2,000 per month online? Some people would sacrifice their left pinky toe to have $2,000 per month automatically coming in. That's why the failure rate of businesses online is so high. But successful internet marketers know that there is massive work involved, and you can't look at internet marketing as if it's a lottery drawing.

Most people online who have been trying to make money for years believe that if they can get the best copywriter... the best product... or the best marketing consultant, that they can make $10,000 in month instantly. That's just not true. For 98% of the people selling online, their chances of making $10,000 in one month will indeed come from the lottery. But successful internet marketers know that success online is not a "hit or miss" kind of thing.

As a successful internet marketer myself, I can tell you that true success comes from planning. You have to know your numbers, you have to be diligent and persistent with your marketing, and your paid advertising has to make sense - and also bring in high quality traffic. I want to share with you why this is important, and why successful internet marketers have all of these things in common. Take a look at this:

1) Successful internet marketers take their work seriously

Now I just mentioned above that successful people online know their numbers, are persistent, and know that their marketing makes sense. Because of this, they plan ahead with a daily marketing agenda that will help them to reach all 3 of these goals all at the same time. Let me ask you: Before you invested a dime into paid advertising, have you ever took a look at your competition and investigated the nuts and bolts of their operation?

Sometimes to be a successful internet marketer, you have to play customer. You have to buy your competitors' product, see how good the product is, and take notice at how they market to you over and over again to get more sales from you. If you want to copy your competitors' and have the successful business that they have, you can't just do some of the things that they are doing... you have to do ALL of the things that they are doing.

If they have a online help desk system, you need that. If they have a phone support team, you need that. If they're selling online as well as offline to prospects and customers, you need to do that also. Don't think that these people just woke up one day, threw up an ad an somewhere and instantly became successful. It doesn't work that way. Most people who try to copy their competitors have no idea what they're doing. So plan ahead and have all of these things ready to go the next time you want to copy a rival in your niche to make money.

2) Successful internet marketers have a routine

Do you have a daily marketing routine, or do you wake up everyday browsing other peoples' websites and reading their site? You will never get anywhere by operating like this. A lot of people do this simply because they have no idea of what to do! They've read countless books, courses, emails, articles and still have no clue as of what to do NEXT. What you need to do is develop an internet marketing routine that can be executed daily like clockwork.

This means that you should go and create yourself a daily marketing plan on a simply text file on your computer. And every single day when you wake up - or when you normally do your marketing - follow each step exactly daily. This is essential because you're more likely to make money and see results of your business if you write a plan out first, and then visually follow it everyday.

So yes, the internet marketer that's making $2,000 per month online has a daily marketing routine. If you were to take a look at the inside of their operations, you would see tons of content being produced, ads tracked and analyzed, free marketing being implemented, and a time span of when all of this is supposed to be done. You don't want to spend 12 hours per day in front of your computer trying to do every trick in the world.

A lot people enjoy buying "bulk submitters" because they think it will simplify their marketing and bring them massive instant results. And more than likely, I'm pretty sure you've tried your hand at these bulk submitters also. But these bulk submitters won't do anything for you, plus... they're not 100% automatic! Even though they advertise that they are!

Don't rely on products like these to do your marketing. It won't get you anywhere and it won't give you the results that you're looking for. And it won't get you the results because websites and companies are constantly cracking down on these idiotic products, and banning people from their platform who get caught using them. If you're submitting low quality work and information everyday, how will that benefit your targeted prospect? Why should they view you as an obvious expert in your niche if you're putting out low quality information? Does that make sense to you? It sure doesn't to me.

If you want to be a successful internet marketer, you need to take these words to heart. Change the way that you are doing things and start implementing all of the CORRECT advice that you read. Don't do it half-way. Do it exactly as shown online with what is said, shown, and read. This way you will know that you did each technique 100% correctly, and you did the best that you could.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Randall Magwood is one of the most highly-regarded internet marketing consultants on the internet. He has an Internet Marketing Blog and a Free 157-Page Book that helps business owners learn how to promote their website simply and easily. To download his book, simply visit the following website here:

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